Posted by: Fern | May 31, 2009

Highs And Lows

This week has had it all, ant invasions, canine footwear and my eldest giving me the fright of my life. Daily Snapshot Week 3

  • Life up the coast is going well, other than having the dreaded lurgi for an entire week, and of course, the rain, what’s up with that? I’m starting to think that this whole drought thing is just a government conspiracy to keep the country stinky from short showers.
  • Declan had a febrile convulsion brought on from a fever caused by the dreaded lurgi, I put the full story up on flickr if you’re interested, but the bottom line is that he is fine, I’m more shaken over it that he is infact. We’ve been told to probably expect some more over the coming years.
  • Dan cried. I have seen Dan cry probably five times in the entire time we have been together and to this day I can still list every one of them. To see him crying over Declan shook me to the core, the image of Declan laying lifeless on the floor isn’t what is burned into my head, it’s Dan crying.
  • We still have no phone and no reliable internet connection, it’s getting to the point where I am going to crack skulls.
  • The job is going well and I have been introducing the family to all sorts of wonderful goodies from the UK, this coming week I’m going to buy some Bisto Chip Shop Curry Sauce, buy some chips and a battered sav and see how that goes down. Gastric distress FTW! Having lots of fun with my coworkers and the customers.
  • It’s Fake Mothers Day today, that’s a day that isn’t the usual Mother’s day as opposed to a day dedicated to Fake Mothers. We delayed it so that it didn’t interfere with moving, and after last years debacle (remind me to tell you that story sometime!) there was no way that Dan wasn’t going to do anything this year. I woke up to a card from the boys and Queen Singstar. NEIGHBOURS BEWARE! Once I can finally find the box the PS2 is packed in I will be assulting your ear drums with Bohemian Rhapsody.


  1. OMG! You poor things! What a shocker! Glad to hear Declan’s doing well now though, lots of love and hugs to you all.
    Excellent news on the Queen Singstar, we couldn’t resist that one either 😀
    Great to hear your settling in well to your new house and enjoying your new job.
    Love Jen

  2. What a horrid week you’ve had…my nephew went through the same convulsions when he’d get a fever…fortunately it all went away over a 6 month period but it’s very scarey…

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